If you work in education, you know just how much you rely on print. Worksheets, memos to families, student records, and more are all printed every day – which is costing your school money. Managed Print Services can help save money, and improve the way your institution handles print.
How Schools Use Print
Schools use print for everything from kindergarten worksheets to high school diplomas, and everything in between. School records are confidential, and must be kept private. Schools also produce a number of legal documents, which must be properly managed. In short: education requires a lot of paper.
Despite this heavy use, printers are often not a top priority. Often many users are sharing a single printer, and the various printers are bought and maintained from multiple vendors. When outdated equipment breaks, it must be replaced if it can’t be repaired – which is often not budgeted for – and old supplies can go to waste. Your IT team probably spends a lot of time answering calls for help with printers, letting other tasks fall to the wayside.
How Managed Print can Help
When you work with a Managed Print Services provider, you can change the way you use print. An MPS provider can do a print assessment to understand how your printers are being used and help develop a plan that will increase efficiency and save you money. This can take several forms, such as:
- Providing, supplying, and maintaining printers. Printers will be aligned to minimize cost of maintenance and supplies.
- Maintenance costs and upgrades are built into your fixed monthly payment.
- Strategically deploying printers so the most often used printers are the most cost- and time- efficient ones in your fleet.
- Upgrading your printers to take advantage of available technology such as automation and security features.
- Printer troubleshooting calls are answered by an MPS provider instead of your IT team, freeing them up for other tasks.
All these features combined make for a more efficient and secure print environment, which will make your staff and students happier. Your print budget will be reduced and predictable, avoiding emergency purchases that exceed your allotted funds.
Print is an important component in education, but it is often an expensive and inefficient process. A Managed Print Services provider can help change that, saving your school district time and money, helping you to balance your budget while producing better results. To learn more, give us a call today.
Contact TSG
207 Boeing Court
Livermore, CA 94551
United States