Cyber Security Trends to Watch in 2021
Every prediction for 2020 went out the window thanks to COVID-19. And while it was an unpleasant surprise, the pandemic has permanently impacted the way we work and the way we operate our businesses.
One this ..
Emerging Cyber Threats in 2021
Almost overnight, everything changed, and work-from-anywhere is commonplace. Employees are doing business, accessing cloud services, remote systems, and collaborative tools from home and public networks…and not always safely.
Rapid change has brought new security challenges. Here are five to ..
Resolutions for Your Best New Year
As we reach the end of this crazy, crazy year, and with January 1st right around the corner, that means it’s time to start thinking about your resolutions for 2021. Have you given any thought ..
Cyber Resilience: Prepare, Respond and Recover
Cyber resilience is a company's ability to prepare, respond, and recover when a cyberattack happens. A business has cyber resilience if it can defend itself against an attack, limit the effects of an incident, and ..
Document Management Best Practices for Success
Whether you’re thinking about implementing a digital document management system (DMS) for your company, or enhancing your existing system, focusing on best practices can result in a more effective and successful solution.
Five Essential Best Document ..
The Business Benefits of a Document Management System
Whether they're paper or electronic, documents are a vital element of every business. However, managing all of that information can be challenging and time-consuming. Whether your business is small or spread out over multiple locations, ..
Top 10 Reasons to Outsource Your IT to TSG
To compete in today's complex environment, it’s critical to make the most of your technology. However, maintaining a full-time, dedicated IT staff is expensive – no matter what size your business is.
If you’re a firm/organization ..
Building a Results-Based Culture with Remote Workers
Today, as businesses continue to cope with the massive shift to remote work, many are fostering a results-based culture to improve the productivity, performance, and efficiency of their remote workers.
A results-based culture means that time ..
Five Great Meeting Topics to Engage Your Team!
Good sales managers are always looking for new ways to inspire and engage team members while strengthening their sales skills. Keeping your sales meetings relevant and beneficial is crucial.
Consider these statistics:
80% of meeting time could be ..
The Benefits of a Managed IT Solution With TSG
In today's complex business environment, it's becoming more important to focus on your primary business to remain competitive. For many companies, outsourcing elements of their operation makes sense in order to free up employee time to focus on the ..