TOP 10 New Year’s Technology Commitments
The growth of Managed Services has helped companies in every industry to improve productivity, lower costs, and free up key players' time to focus on essential tasks. As Managed Services continue to expand, organizations are ..
What You Need to Know: Tax Benefits of Buying Office Technology Before Dec 31st
It's year-end tax planning time once again. If you are looking for ways to reduce your tax liability, now is the time to consider leasing or purchasing new office equipment or technology.
Section 179 of the ..
Common Copier Maintenance FAQs
Every day we rely on the office copier. And we also take it for granted…until it stops working. Maybe the copier can’t grip paper as it should due to wear and tear, or there’s a ..
How Ethical Hacking and Pen Testing Can Up Your Security Game
Hacking comes with its share of negative connotations, in fact, just the word can strike fear into the hearts of business owners. First coined by pioneering computer scientist Peter Sampson, the term refers to unauthorized access to ..
5 Best Practices for End-Users of IT
Technology has changed the way we live and work. The pandemic and lockdowns that sent employees home to work accelerated the use of technology for communication and collaboration. The shift away from working in the office ..
Gartner Makes 8 Cybersecurity Predictions
In June 2022, analysts from Gartner held a security and risk management summit in Sydney, Australia. The analytical firm announced eight predictions they expect will take place in the cybersecurity landscape from 2022 to 2026.
Let’s ..
How Workflow Automation Can Combat the Effects of Inflation
There is no missing the fact that the U.S. is being hit with the highest inflation in decades, and it's likely driving us into a recession. The causes are well understood. A combination of policy-fueled ..
How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Affect Your Cybersecurity
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created many levels of instability in the world. While it may feel selfish to think about it, as a business owner you need to consider whether this conflict could ..
Take Communication Abilities to the Next Level with These 10 Essential UC Features
Pre-pandemic, having access to unified connection features like video or cloud conferencing were nice to have for your business. However, once the pandemic hit and companies were suddenly thrown into remote work mode, these communication ..
How Hybrid Collaboration Solves “Work-from-Anywhere” Challenges
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the attitude of many executives and managers toward remote or distributed work was one of skepticism. But now, two years later, many naysayers have changed their thinking and are now planning ..