Thinking of Purchasing Your Copier?  What You Need to Know.

Thinking of Purchasing Your Copier? What You Need to Know.

This is the age-old question among business owners purchasing a new copier: should I buy or lease? The answer depends on factors like your business goals, needs and budget. Let’s examine the pros and cons ..
Are Your Printers Secure? Why Hackers Love Your Printers.

Are Your Printers Secure? Why Hackers Love Your Printers.

It's been estimated that over fifty-five percent of businesses don't include printers and copiers in their security strategy. A recent study reported that 60 percent of companies have had a data breach involving their printers. Here are ..
A Guide to Managed Print Services: What You Need to Know.

A Guide to Managed Print Services: What You Need to Know.

Managed Print Services (MPS) is an efficient, effective way to reduce the cost of print within your organization. But what exactly is Managed Print Services? This rather broad term may mean different things to different people, but the ..
What’s the Difference Between a Copier and an MFP?

What’s the Difference Between a Copier and an MFP?

While copiers and multifunction printers (MFPs) may seem synonymous, there are a number of differences which warrant consideration. The best way to determine which type of equipment will work best in your office is to ..
Tips for the Prevention of Malware Attacks

Tips for the Prevention of Malware Attacks

Since the dawn of the Internet, cyber thieves have been hard at work discovering new and innovative methods of stealing information and disrupting network systems around the globe. Recovering from a malware attack can be a ..
Some Signs It Might Be Time For a New Copier

Some Signs It Might Be Time For a New Copier

Is your technology up to date? When it comes to print equipment, many small businesses are using older equipment either because of cost, or an “if it's not broke, don't fix it” attitude. Your copier ..
Simple Data Protection Strategies for Your SMB

Simple Data Protection Strategies for Your SMB

Data is one of your company’s most at-risk assets. Criminals will steal and make use of payroll information, client identifications, and anything else they can get their hands on. Small businesses are not immune; it’s ..
What You Need to Know to Cut Print Costs

What You Need to Know to Cut Print Costs

Do you have a formal print policy in your office? In most businesses a print policy tends to fall to the bottom of the priority list. However, a print policy can help to define the ..
How Managed IT Services Can Help SMBs Stay Competitive

How Managed IT Services Can Help SMBs Stay Competitive

More and more, small to medium size businesses (SMBs) are turning towards Managed IT Services to help them remain competitive in a world where technology evolves at lightening speed. SMBs require the same degree of technology to operate and compete ..
Five Ways Your Printers Are Costing You More Than They Should

Five Ways Your Printers Are Costing You More Than They Should

One of the most important aspects of managing an office is keeping your budget in check. When looking for ways to reduce spending, the cost of printing often gets overlooked; but, left unmanaged, these hidden ..